Our church, Victory, runs a series on finances every November. This year, the title of the series is called Unlimited! This is my favorite of all the series we run because I am a living testimony of God’s goodness and favor.

Small Group Discussion: Rich For Life

From losing a staggering P10 million with some partners, and incurring an additional P2.5 million debt, I was able to pay all my business debts in 2 years. Was it mere luck? Nope. Was it pure coincidence? Nope. Was it planned? Nope. It’s the hand of God that moved. When you’re out of solutions, God becomes your solution. You start to pray more if you can’t find answers anymore.

Before you do anything, ask for God’s favor first. Honor him with the first fruits of your wealth. Honor him by giving and by not being attached to money. Infact, you can still be generous even though you are in debt.

The primary challenge is: Can you give even though it hurts? I mean, how can you give what you don’t have? I love what author Mark Batterson said when reasoning with God: If you win the argument you actually lose, and if you lose the argument, you actually win.

Honestly, I have been a giver for more than a decade, but up until today, giving sometimes still hurts for me. When that happens, I go back to God and trust him, then the “ouch” of giving disappears.

The biblical principle “You reap what you sow” is unchanging…whether in good times or bad times. I don’t expect anything in return when I give, but God has placed an invisible force when we do give…somehow it goes back to you. It may not be in the form of money, but rest assured, it does.

If you give for the right reasons and with the right motive: You will never outgive God.

The finance series UNLIMITED starts Nov 11-Dec 2 in all Victory Churches! Invite your family and friends to have a Financial Breakthrough!

© 2024 Jayson Lo