The reason why God limits our days is so that we will treasure each one.

Everyday is special. One more special than the other, but everyday has a meaning of its own. You create its own meaning. Treasuring every day given to us is not easy. We tend to take the usual, daily miracles for granted. The mere fact that the sun rises and sets is a miracle in itself that we ignore because of its familiarity.


Our love ones who are there with us everyday; we often value them and make them feel valued when the possibility of losing them happens.

The food that we eat or the water we drink; we only know their value when we lose the resources to buy them due to lack.

Our own life which we tend to waste; our fear and unbelief has taken over from what could have been a life that is lived to the fullest.

Time is the most important commodity of all. In fact, time is not only gold. Time is everything. “Money lost can be re-earned, energy lost can be re-charged but time wasted is irredeemable.” Time Flies!!!

Treasure every day. The Bible says: This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it.

And to add the most important ingredient in making every day special: Thank God every day and do nothing without His grace.

© 2024 Jayson Lo