There is an ancient proverb that says ”Work done with a cheerful attitude is like rain falling on the desert.” The opposite is also true ”Work done with a critical attitude is like a sandstorm blowing through the desert.”

In the Bible, God commands us to take a day off every week called the Sabbath Day. One day of rest out of seven days. In retrospect, He commands us to work the other six days. Work is meant to be enjoyed.

“Value your work then your work will be valued.” No matter who you are or what you do, loving your work will take you a notch higher than everyone else because if you love your work, work becomes easy.

Some of you may not like where you are working now, but consider it as a stepping stone rather than a stumbling block towards success. Remember, you may not love your work but you can love working. As your love for work emanates from within you, people will start noticing it, then opportunities will come knocking at your door. One day, you will be surprised that your love for working caused you to stumble on the work you love.

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