Linde Philippines 

A manufacturer and distributer of industrial, medical and specialty gases and provide a range of related services including the installation of on-site plants, gas equipment, pipelines and associated engineering services.

Topic: Day 1 “Evolve to Win. Lead the Change.” Day 2 “YOUnique” workshop

Note: I love how competitive Linde is. Their mantra is excellence and competition. I closed the meeting by sharing the secret to success according to the leadership book “The Leadership Challenge” – Stay in Love.

GlaxoSmithKline (GSK)

A global healthcare company that is committed to helping people to do more, feel better and live longer.

Topic: “The 3 C’s of Leadership” for Managers

Note: The participants were branch managers of GSK. For added input, I did a survey with my doctor friends on what they look for in choosing the brand of medicine they will recommend. I shared my findings to them. The results were quite unexpected. Doctors’ relationships with medreps is far more important than the quality and price of the products they sell.

San Miguel Brewery 

A subsidiary of San Miguel Corporation, is the largest beer producer in the Philippines, with a market share of over 95%.

Topic: “YOUnique” workshop – to the sales team and the managers.

Note: San Miguel captured 96% of the beer market and according to their marketing team, they only rank second in logistics to the Military. The company is excellent to the highest degree, but the heads said that what they want to build more than the excellence of their people are their values. The right Values are what is missing in the marketplace today.

San Miguel Yamamura

Provides total packaging solutions across the globe. It’s a combination of the competencies of two recognized Asian brands – one of Southeast Asia’s biggest conglomerates, San Miguel Corporation, and Japan’s Nihon Yamamura Glass Company, Ltd.

Topic: All in for 2013!

Note: This conference was attended by 250 people from 10 countries. Each country’s CEO/Country Manager or representative was present. Needless to say, they were a tough crowd. That’s what practice does, if you practice your talk several times, it will be easier to deliver it. I shared about culture and the Mindset, the skillset, and the heartset of a leader. I’m happy that they were “All In” with my talk. We had a great 2 hours together.

Bank of the Philippine Islands (BPI) 

The oldest and 3rd largest bank in the Philippines.

Topic: Spoke to BPI’s preferred clients on “Personal Finance.”

Note: I spoke to the preferred clients of BPI… old and young people alike. One thing is for sure, whether you are young or old, rich or poor, money principles are the same for everyone. But the rules could be changed by the initiated if he/she is financially literate.


A major Filipino commercial television network

Topic: “The Five Dysfunctions of a Team” for better communication and conflict management.

Note: This was an all out team alignment workshop that lasted until past 10:00pm. Trust is the most important quality of a team. For this seminar, we defined trust as “Being Naked” (not literally). It means you are willing to be vulnerable to your team. 

Abbott Laboratories

An American global pharmaceuticals & health care products operating in 130 countries.

Topic: “Leading a Sales Team”

Note: Abbott people are nice and they are open to new ideas. I shared how they can be more effective as an individual and as a team. By the way, the road going to Baguio (the venue) was all flooded that day because of a strong storm. It was very cold in Baguio Country Club, but when we started the session, the place heated up.

Universal Robina Corp (URC)

The leading branded convenience food and beverage company in the Philippines, and a major player in the Southeast Asian region and greater China.

Topic: a) “YOUnique” workshop to the top level management. b) “Training the Trainers” workshop to the trainers.

Note: My audience was the top level management of URC. Most of the bosses were there. I was careful not to offend anyone, so I started by saying that everything we would be doing in the session will be done in the spirit of fun. Next thing I know, we were making fun of each other. I had a great time with URC. URC is also notorious for being frugal, as the company is headed by the legendary John Gokongwei. i was teasing them that they are a 40 billion company, yet we are using a Karaoke. That speaks a lot about stewardship. It is not how we make money that will make us successful; it is how we make money and manage our resources that will make us and keep us successful.

Red Ribbon Bakeshop

A popular fast-food chain and bakery in the Philippines and the United States, offering a wide range of cakes and pastries.

Topic: “Think Big” – Bold Innovatate Gung-Ho

Note: Their theme was the X-Factor’s BIG3. I spoke several times to Red Ribbon to their commissary staff, then to their assistant managers, and lastly to their managers. Aside from the topic of thinking BIG, all throughout my talk, we were having FUN! Oh, I was also shocked at how may cakes they sell during Christmas.


A giant retail chain of supermarkets in the Philippines with more than 200 stores nationwide.

Topic: Spoke several sessions to Puregold’s micro entrepreneurs on “Kilalanin any Sarili.”

Note: I enjoyed speaking to the micro entrepreneur clients of Puregold. In this event, I saw Puregold’s heart to serve. If you serve your customers and clients right, your business will never fail.

Unilab’s Innovitelle

The skincare line of Unilab, the global pharmaceutical entity with over P4 billion annual sales.

Topic: Entreleadership

Note: Wow! I thought I was in school teaching students. The staff of Innovitelle are very young. But this group of upstarts built this company to a 4 billion business. Young is now ‘In.’


Asia’s leading provider of business space solutions serving a global clientele of over 2,400 customers in 25 cities across 10 countries including Singapore, China, India, South Korea and Australia.

Topic: YOUnique “Understanding Others by Understanding YOU”

Note: One day of laughter, fun, and learning. A seminar needs to be fun. If it’s not fun, people won’t learn. At first, they were a bit serious. When the ice broke, I saw their wild side. A part of me wants to get back to being serious after seeing it.

© 2024 Jayson Lo