As we moved to our new center at V-mall Greenhills early this year, the Victory Greenhills team felt the need to focus more time on our Sunday Services. We have almost doubled in number from 2010, and we are excited for the things that God is going to do in the years to come.

Because of this, we have decided to convert our Wednesday Service into a Victory Group setting to give more time to discipleship. Our Sunday Services are growing and we need to combine our efforts in reaching out to new people as we bring them to Victory Groups.

For us, the one word for church is discipleship. And discipleship is all about relationship. Our primary way of building relationships is thru Victory groups so this is a move that we believe can help us do that.

On behalf of the Victory Greenhills Team, I would like to thank all of you who labored with us in our Wednesday Service. God is sooooo good in giving us this opportunity to serve him. We will surely remember all the great things that he did thru this avenue and the testimonies of changed lives.

© 2024 Jayson Lo